What we do

In Acts 2:42, we are told the infant Church “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” At Calvary Fellowship these four things become the essentials of church life. Therefore, it can be helpful to know what these things mean and how we organize the church around them.

  1. Apostles’ doctrine. This is the expository and didactic teaching of the Scriptures. We believe through the teaching of God’s Word that God speaks to us directly and personally, and by His Word the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ to us.

  2. Fellowship. This is when the members of the church personally relate with one another over the person and work of Jesus in their lives. In fellowship, we should be able to see what Jesus is presently accomplishing in and through the Body of Christ left on earth to do His will.

  3. Breaking of bread. This is referring to Communion which is the ordinance Jesus gave us to focus on the core of the Christian faith, the broken body and poured out blood of Jesus on the cross. In Communion, we are able to see what Jesus did for us nearly 2,000 years ago.

  4. Prayers. Prayer takes place individually as people simply approach God with their hearts. Prayer also takes place corporately in the church in prayer meetings, home fellowships, and in spontaneous times of prayer. The most common form of prayer in the large group meetings is during the worship portion of our services. In prayer we are speaking directly to God.