Who we are
Calvary Fellowship is a ministry built on and around the complete verse-by-verse teaching of the Bible. It is our intention to organize, administrate, worship, and relate in such a way as to elevate the Word of God in the life of believers empowing them to reach their friends and families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We desire to stick to the plain truth of the Scriptures while we pray for God’s Spirit of revival to move among His Church. We are choosing to serve in dependence upon the Lord for the ability to do what He has called us to do as we trust His Word and live in fellowship with Him.
We desire to stick to the plain truth of the Scriptures while we pray for God’s Spirit of revival to move among His Church. We are choosing to serve in dependence upon the Lord for the ability to do what He has called us to do as we trust His Word and live in fellowship with Him.

What We Do
In Acts 2:42, we are told the infant Church “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” At Calvary Fellowship these four things become the essentials of church life. Therefore, it can be helpful to know what these things mean and how we organize the church around them.

Apostles’ doctrine
This is the expository and didactic teaching of the Scriptures. We believe through the teaching of God’s Word that God speaks to us directly and personally, and by His Word the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ to us.

Breaking of bread
This is referring to Communion which is the ordinance Jesus gave us to focus on the core of the Christian faith, the broken body and poured out blood of Jesus on the cross. In Communion, we are able to see what Jesus did for us nearly 2,000 years ago.

This is when the members of the church personally relate with one another over the person and work of Jesus in their lives. In fellowship, we should be able to see what Jesus is presently accomplishing in and through the Body of Christ left on earth to do His will.

In prayer we are speaking directly to God. Prayer takes place individually as people simply approach God with their hearts. Prayer also takes place corporately in the church in prayer meetings, home fellowships, and in spontaneous times of prayer. The most common form of prayer in the large group meetings is during the worship portion of our services.
Sunday 8:30 | 10:30am
Childcare provided: nursery - 8th grade
Wednesday 7:00pm
Childcare provided: nursery - 12th grade
What To Expect
Service info and order
We hold two services every Sunday morning—8:30 and 10:30—as well as a Wednesday evening service at 7:00. Our primary objective during church service is to teach God’s Word so that each person can hear from and meet with God personally and directly. We begin service by worshiping the Lord through prayer and a mix of contemporary and traditional music. After greeting one another, the Bible teaching begins. A typical service will last about 90 minutes, ending with prayer and worship.
In order for church service to be accomplished “decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:39), we ask that cell phones and other noise making devices be silenced and that food remain outside the sanctuary. We also believe it best for the adults to learn in the sanctuary and the children to learn in the Children’s Ministry wing where they will be taught God’s Word in an age-appropriate, engaging way. This order is designed so that everyone has the best opportunity to hear and understand God’s Word and respond to it.
We hope that after the service parents will engage with their children—asking questions, sharing, and discussing what was learned during their time at Calvary Fellowship.
In order for church service to be accomplished “decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:39), we ask that cell phones and other noise making devices be silenced and that food remain outside the sanctuary. We also believe it best for the adults to learn in the sanctuary and the children to learn in the Children’s Ministry wing where they will be taught God’s Word in an age-appropriate, engaging way. This order is designed so that everyone has the best opportunity to hear and understand God’s Word and respond to it.
We hope that after the service parents will engage with their children—asking questions, sharing, and discussing what was learned during their time at Calvary Fellowship.
If you have children
Children's Ministry is more than mere child care. Our sincere desire is to share God's love and teach God's Word to each child in a way that is age-appropriate and engaging. As the children are taught and shown the life of Christ through the Scriptures, we believe they can gain an understanding and experience of God for themselves.
As stated above, we order our services as follows:
Check in process:
Stop by the desk in the Children's Reception Area and fill out a registration form for your child(ren). You may also register before you come by printing and filling out the form below. After registering your child, you will receive a card with your child’s name, grade and/or class. You will need this card to pick up your child after the service. As a safety precaution, only authorized adults are permitted in the Children's Ministry wing.
As stated above, we order our services as follows:
- children nursery age through 4th grade join us in the Children's Ministry wing. If you feel uncomfortable placing your children into Children's Ministry, you are welcome to sit with your family and watch the service from the family room, in the foyer, or downstairs in the fellowship hall (on Sunday mornings only).
- children in 5th through 8th grade may attend Children's Ministry or join the adults in the adult service. Please note: we will be handling topics at an adult comprehension and maturity level. Children attending the adult service will be held to the same standard of behavior as the adults.
Check in process:
Stop by the desk in the Children's Reception Area and fill out a registration form for your child(ren). You may also register before you come by printing and filling out the form below. After registering your child, you will receive a card with your child’s name, grade and/or class. You will need this card to pick up your child after the service. As a safety precaution, only authorized adults are permitted in the Children's Ministry wing.

What to wear and bring
We welcome you to come dressed in what is comfortable—whether that be jeans and a t-shirt, a dress, or a suit. If you have a Bible (or a favorite Bible app), follow along as we dig into God's Word together. If you're a notetaker, bring a notebook. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.