Mike Gaugler
Mike was raised in the church, making a profession of faith as a child following a showing of the movie, The Cross and the Switchblade, in a rural church pastored by his grandfather, Truman Gaugler.
However, it wasn’t until the spring of 1995, as a sophomore in college, that Mike yielded his life fully into the service of God. Eventually, God called him to “teach the Word” in an evening service at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in 1999. Mike responded by teaching the Bible in a local Christian high school, in an adult Sunday school class at a local church, and as a youth pastor under pastor Scott Fetterolf.
Progressively, Mike’s calling became more specific as he sensed a leading to pastor a church in fellowship with Joe Focht and Calvary Chapel Philadelphia. As a result, Mike, Julie, and their three children commuted from Berwick to start a Bible study in Sunbury during the summer of 2004. By June of 2005, Mike left the youth pastor position and moved his family to Sunbury to start Sunday morning services as Calvary Fellowship Susquehanna Valley.
In July of 2017, Calvary Fellowship moved from its rented location with Central PA Youth Ministries to its current property on 8th Avenue in Shamokin Dam. After nearly 17 years at Calvary Fellowship, Mike is still committed to “feed the hungry” and is looking forward to even greater fruitfulness for the kingdom of God.
However, it wasn’t until the spring of 1995, as a sophomore in college, that Mike yielded his life fully into the service of God. Eventually, God called him to “teach the Word” in an evening service at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in 1999. Mike responded by teaching the Bible in a local Christian high school, in an adult Sunday school class at a local church, and as a youth pastor under pastor Scott Fetterolf.
Progressively, Mike’s calling became more specific as he sensed a leading to pastor a church in fellowship with Joe Focht and Calvary Chapel Philadelphia. As a result, Mike, Julie, and their three children commuted from Berwick to start a Bible study in Sunbury during the summer of 2004. By June of 2005, Mike left the youth pastor position and moved his family to Sunbury to start Sunday morning services as Calvary Fellowship Susquehanna Valley.
In July of 2017, Calvary Fellowship moved from its rented location with Central PA Youth Ministries to its current property on 8th Avenue in Shamokin Dam. After nearly 17 years at Calvary Fellowship, Mike is still committed to “feed the hungry” and is looking forward to even greater fruitfulness for the kingdom of God.

Jordan Heim
Jordan did not grow up in or around the church. He had no prior understanding of God, the Bible, sin, or salvation. His teenage and young adult years could be summarized from Ephesians 2:1-3, “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.”
Through a frustrating pursuit to satisfy a deep longing, Jordan was brought to the end of himself in 2009. At just the right time, God used a complete stranger, Rebecca, (who later became his wife) to share the gospel message with him for the first time. This immediately sparked a new pursuit to find out who this God was. His process of getting to know Jesus started by gathering with a local church body that taught him verse-by-verse through the Scriptures. They nurtured and helped him relate to God directly.
Jordan now serves the church full-time as staff, and is their children’s ministry coordinator. His calling to “follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19) has directed he and Rebecca to evangelize their local community through simple street and door-to-door witnessing.
Through a frustrating pursuit to satisfy a deep longing, Jordan was brought to the end of himself in 2009. At just the right time, God used a complete stranger, Rebecca, (who later became his wife) to share the gospel message with him for the first time. This immediately sparked a new pursuit to find out who this God was. His process of getting to know Jesus started by gathering with a local church body that taught him verse-by-verse through the Scriptures. They nurtured and helped him relate to God directly.
Jordan now serves the church full-time as staff, and is their children’s ministry coordinator. His calling to “follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19) has directed he and Rebecca to evangelize their local community through simple street and door-to-door witnessing.